The first google search every beginner asks is “How to learn guitar quickly?” It is often said the quickest way to learn the guitar is to be patient. But, to be honest, this patience can seem too taxing at times. So here are some ways to speed up your learning by putting in your best efforts:
1) Choose the time of the day that suits you the most. Of course, it is best to be able to practice twice a day, but if you do not have the luxury of time, it is best to pick up the guitar whenever your mind seems to be grasping the most, morning if you’re a morning bird, or night if you’re a night owl. You should be the one deciding when music flows best in you.
2) Exercise your fingers properly before starting with your practice session, preferably stretching them against a hard surface, so that they are able to move and learn properly while playing the guitar.
3) Make sure that your learning environment suits you, and by this we mean the light, ventilation, external noise, isolation if you’re a solitary reaper, having plants around if they help you stay calm and music can relax you further. All these factors must be kept in mind if you want yourself to be in sync which the song you’re trying to play.
4) Invest some attention in the additional tools you’re using, such as the metronome, tuner etc., which are now easily available together in single apps. Also ensure that you’re going with a thinner pick at first, changing gradually with your music journey.
5) Meditate and even try to get some workout in your routine to make your learning process faster and more efficient. This may seem unrelated, but when your body and mind are training properly and are in sync, music naturally finds a home within you. Also remember that your Bob Marley dreams won’t come true if you are not getting proper sleep before rushing into learning a new song.
With all these advices we would also mention that Prism School of Music in Gurgaon puts in all the mentioned efforts into ensuring the most ideal journey for its students. Our institute has professionals from the best music schools across the globe offering well-crafted and perfectly suited courses for each individual. We use the most innovative tools to bring you the music of your dreams, and your success story with music is our primary goal.