Kids - K12 Music Classes In Gurgaon
Music and psychology are more closely interlinked than you would imagine. Being subjected to the technical aspects of music, at a young age, facilitates overall cognitive development and effective learning. Keeping in check with the scientific domain, Prism School of Music offers a specific course that caters to the children upto the age of twelve. The course extends a wide range of spectrum including vocals, guitar, piano, drums, et-cetera for the students to choose from.
Note: Upon completion of a successful one year program in any instrument, it becomes mandatory for the student to study vocal music, as a part of curriculum.
Alongside the best music classes for children in Gurgaon, we ensure quality experience. Not only do they excel at theoretical aspects of learning, but also the practicality of the same. Ultimately, highlighting their overall growth in music and brain development.

Overview of the Program:
⦿ Individual/Group Classes
⦿ Basics of Music Theory (Mandatory)
⦿ Merit-based Performing Opportunities
⦿ Analyzing music from our everyday life
⦿ Weekly Internal Assessments
Despite the fact that learning music from an early age is beneficial in itself, acquiring certifications for the same is a cherry on top. And we understand that. Therefore, we have worked day and night towards our affiliations with the sole motive of providing the best music education in Gurgaon. Trinity College of London, Rock School of Music and Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) are a few of the examples we work with, providing international exposure and experience through our music academy in Gurgaon.